Thursday 28 April 2016

I'm at the Bollywood Grill for lunch—I came here quite impulsively on the spur of the moment—which is often the best way to do things. I was going to go to Benji's yesterday but didn't, so I don't feel bad about spending the money—even though I'm trying not to spend too much—since all these things have come up—health insurance premium every month now—expensive!—and my renter's insurance—and life insurance—and tax prep payment—and federal income tax—it's insane! But maybe it'll level off. Plus, I need to buy a new computer!

Anyway, lot of REX work lately—and I keep fearing it'll get to be too much—but hopefully we'll be able to talk about it at some point—me and Chris—and it'll all work out. Really—I worry too much—that is my biggest problem of all! Why can't I deal with that—HUH?! Anyway—my main concern is always—Do I have enough time for my own stuff? But, however, I spend a lot of time each day doing nothing—I don't know what—probably looking at crap on the internet. Maybe it's all worthwhile—but a lot is not, really—like I just read an article about racism—interesting—but another person's opinion, really—but about things where I don't feel like I need a re-orientation, or attitude adjustment, or a re-schooling, really—while I just go on worrying too much—and that is where I should be spending some time—concentrating on that area of change and hopefully improvement.

I guess there was some kind of official? Un-official launch today (?) We'll see what that means. Hopefully something positive.

I went over to Anne Leplae's house last night—in Shorewood—to talk to her about cat sitting—I'm going to stay over and take care of the orange boy cat Patty—two weeks in May. Hopefully it'll be nice—and a change of scenery—and a kind of vacation!