Major Matt Mason – Moon Mission
/Major Matt Mason – Moon Mission by George S. Elrick (1968) “A Big Little Book”—were these small but thick (3½ x 5 inch, 250 pages) illustrated kids’ books—with color illustrations on every other page—and good ones! They were often based on a TV show or movie, but this one was a Mattel action figure (doll)—a six-inch, rubber, Moon-based astronaut. Maybe there was a cartoon? I don’t remember. But anyway, I had this book as a kid, and it freaked me the fuck out! I left if behind, but bought this copy, recently, to read—to see if my weird memories of it had merit. And… actually, it’s weirder than I remember! It’s got an overall oppressive, disturbing tone. Well, that’s The Moon for you—a bleak place—but when there’s giant, tunneling worms, it gets worse. There’s an ongoing joke about how unappetizing the algae cakes are—a big part of the Moon settlers’ diet—but the humor barely lightens the mood. The grim tale centers on this guy living in isolation who loses his mind. We later find out… wait, I’m not going to give away the oddest wrinkle in the story. Anyway, his sister, the one woman astronaut (at least that we see) is who the reader most identifies with, as she’s always freaking out. Also, we see a lot of her in her underwear—it’s a little intimate. Later, she faints, and Matt Mason (who’s kind of a stone-stoic dud) has to carry her for pages and pages—quite a feat, until we remember it’s The Moon—so she probably weighs as much as a sack of algae cakes. Oh, and I didn’t even mention the giant rabbits!