Nixie – Peach Black Tea

Just as soon as I saw this Nixie water start to populate the shelves at my local sparking water store, it seemed to get scared off with uncommon prejudice. That might just mean it’s popular. I’ll check again tomorrow, but anyhow, trying the Peach Black Tea sparking water—surprisingly clear (it looks nothing like black tea) and surprisingly delicious. Peach is a flavor I have a natural bias against, just because I recall it being the first artificial flavor out there in alcoholic form. I’m thinking of the 1980s (whew!) and, you know, Peach Schnapps—the horror! Truly gross shit! Weirdly, I recently saw Peach flavored Crown Royal—they must be trying to reach the 12-year-old whiskey market. (Not 12-year-old whiskey, but thirsty 12-year-olds!) Contradictorily, I did like Richard’s Triple Peach sweet bumwine—though it was essentially a figure of “Masochist Night.” There was a fine little peach tree in my back yard growing up, and so I’ve always had a great fondness for ripe, fresh, peaches, off a tree—and I hold a high standard. So I’ve avoided most peach-flavored anything for most of my later-adult life. But this water is quite a surprise, as it’s delicious. Maybe it’s the combo with the very subtle tea flavor, but the peach is right there on top, and it’s good. The can is a homerun as well, metallic orange and dark green, with a metallic sliced peach rendition that really looks like a peach. Product name in various, slightly retro fonts in white—it’s a nice style.
