Perrier – Carbonated Mineral Water

I feel like Perrier has been around forever—from back when mineral water got to be a big deal, but then became despised because it was associated with yuppies. This was, of course, before people developed the habit of paying money for toilet water in plastic bottles on a daily basis. I would have guessed it’s been around since the Seventies, but the bottle says: “A French Story Since 1863”—so I guess I was off by more than a century. That even pre-dates yuppies! Also, perhaps it’s not a mineral water at all, but a story! I guess I still associate Perrier with its rise in popularity, whenever that was, when I might have considered it a frivolous lifestyle choice. It’s probably time to get over opinions I formed when I was still spending Saturday nights bulls-eyeing womprats in my T-16. It’s kind of admirable they still have the same distinctive bottle shape, even if the shape is intensely off-putting, for some reason. Same label, same font, I think. I have no idea if this water is now in or out of fashion, or even who those fashions, if they do exit, entail. In the final estimation, though, it’s kind of remarkable this water comes all the way from France where it springs from the earth and is captured in designer containers. And remains relatively affordable. It’s also very good—it’s got a mineral flavor, but it’s subtle, and I find it delicious.
