Polar – Cranberry Lime

I made some cranberry sauce recently—adding no sugar at all, since I’ve stopped eating sugar. Cranberries are very tart and kind of bitter, so people usually use sugar. I threw in some raisins, because I knew I needed some sweetness. Also, some spices—ginger, and that other one I can’t think of. I started with too much water and then cooked it down a lot to get the desired thickness. So there is no berry texture left—however, the raisins turned back into grapes, which is weird. All that to say, no one ever eats just plain cranberries—they’re always mixed with something. And no one drinks straight cranberry juice (except medicinally, for urinary infection and whatnot)—it’s usually mixed with something. In the case of this water, it’s lime—though it tastes neither like cranberry nor lime, that much. Just an odd flavor, subtle, almost none—but then a pronounced aftertaste that’s not all that pleasant. I suppose the most logical function with this water would be to use it to make a cocktail—probably by mixing this with vodka, which would be similar to a sugar-free Cape Cod cocktail—which, of course, is not the cocktail. Maybe invent your own thing—you never know what will mix with what. You’ve got to try it. Might I suggest this with gin? Or bourbon? Or maybe simply drink this straight, as its own cocktail. But if you were going to do that, it would be my preference to make it with a different water. Back to the drawing board.
