Grace Place Coffee

250 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee

I’ve visited this coffee shop many times over the years, and one reason for that is that it’s been here for a while—I don’t know when they opened—but for as long as I remember. Also, it’s close to where I live. Also, it’s comfortable, a nice place to sit, and it’s never a zoo. Meaning, busy—at least in my experience. Limited hours—M-F, 8 to Noon, and similar on Sunday, I think, because sometimes you need a little extra to get you through the sermon. So… not in the afternoon, nor on Saturday, nor before work if you work at 8am. Yet, they have an extensive coffee selection and stuff to eat. That just got me thinking—what if I found a coffee shop that served absolutely one thing: coffee. Like Mr. Coffee style, and that’s it. No steamed milk, no tea, no food, no nothin’. I might love that place. Anyway, this cafe is named such (Grace) because it’s in Grace Center, which is a building affiliated with the church, I’m assuming—right next door as it is to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. I don’t know what all they do in Grace Center—though I did attend a flea market here once. Anyway, I really like the Grace Place Coffee—always a good place to sit, a fine place to write, it’s quiet, they don’t beat you over the head with the Jesus, and the coffee is good.
