The Mystery Hunters at the Haunted Lodge

The Mystery Hunters at the Haunted Lodge by Capwell Wyckoff (1934) A solid boys’ adventure story from the Thirties with an element of mystery. Four high school boys decide to take Christmas in a cabin on a frozen Vermont lake, and while they’re at it, look into rumors of some hauntings at the big, old, closed up lake lodge. They skate up the frozen river to get there, then go about exploring and making their camp comfortable, while having some run-ins with some unpleasant rich kids from their school, and someone, or some thing, who steals some of their stuff. The high point of the story is when the boys become separated, and a couple of them get stuck out in a blizzard after going for supplies. I always like a good snowstorm, and this one goes on for several chapters. The story sounds like not much when outlined, but I found the book quite engaging. Capwell Wyckoff woite the four-book “Mystery Hunters” series and several other books, including the Mercer Boys series, which I’ve seen but never read. Plus, he’s got a cool sounding name.
