Marcel Dzama “Une Danse Des Bouffons”
/This is a record that came with a Believer magazine back in 2014—it’s a 7-inch soundtrack record for a film called Une Danse Des Bouffons by Marcel Dzama, a young Canadian filmmaker who I know nothing about—let’s see if I can find it online. Of course it is. The music is fine, if boring—it sounds like a few people with vintage string instruments and untraditional percussion making an experimental movie soundtrack. Exactly. With very few exceptions do I think acoustic guitar-like instruments work for movie soundtracks. This is just a bias of mine. There’s some nice flute on one track, and a lockgroove at the end. It’s only four songs, so I can’t imagine anyone getting too worked up by it. The art on the little cardboard cover is very cool—probably the best part of the artifact. The object here, I suppose, is that these will become collectable and thus worth something, but if everyone who got one of these with their Believer subscription has the same idea, they will never be worth money. Maybe if you wait long enough—but for how long, exactly? It seems like as more time goes on, things get less rare rather than more rare—leading one to believe there are a lot of hoarders out there.