/It is August already and summer is going fast. I am not worried though. I have had a lot of fun this summer. We have gone to many parties and drank a lot of beer. We will continue to do so.
Yesterday and the day before I bought my new stereo. $800. I bought a pair of Advent loudspeakers in utility cabinets at Audiocraft in Westlake for $274 a pair. The rest I bought here in town at Servex. All Pioneer. SX-650 receiver for $255 (retail, $300 or so). PL-112D manual turntable for $70 (great deal, on sale, regular price $130). And the CT-F2121 cassette deck for $150 (another great deal (sale) as it usually goes for around $180 with the retail up around $200). Also I got an Empire cartridge. It sounds fantastic.
I only have six more days to work and I can't wait to get out of that shitty job. We may go to a party tonight at Downs' house. Hope so. Now I will run, relax, and listen to music.