Saturday, June 10, 1972 – Walt Disney World

We woke up and got ready to go. We got on the mon-a-rail and got to Disney World quickly. We ate things during the day. Through the day we covered these attractions:

1. Swiss Family Robinson family treehouse – fascinating, high, big great! I wish I had it in the back yard.

2. Jungle Cruise – fake but good, good animation, realistic, wet. (Our boat was named Congo Connie.)

3. Country Bear Jamboree – corny but great! Good, funny.

4. Haunted Mansion – GREAT, ghostly, scary, tricky, greatest!

5. It's a Small World – darling, small, crowded, cute, nice.

6. Flight to The Moon – fast, surprisingly realistic, made you feel like a real astronaut, cool.

7. Grand Prix Raceway – Hot, (Mom said conjusted), Hard to drive, slick.

8. America the Beautiful – Good, unique, nostalgic, fantastic, heartening.

Before we left we went to a magic and trick shop. At 6:00 we ate supper at a restaurant. At 7:00 we went to a movie, The Love Bug, which I saw for the second time. We all went to bed at 10:30, very tired.