Wednesday, June 7, 1972 – St. Augustine, Florida
/This morning we woke up and ate breakfast. Then we looked around and took a ride on a horse and buggy through the town. First we stopped at a great big church. It was fantastic and fabulous. It had a great big dome on the top and a crypt room where the man who built it's coffin was. Later we went past a graveyard that had the stone coffins above the ground. It had a barbed-wire fence around it and the barbed-wire was pointing in! Next we stopped at an old store. It had a lot of interesting antiques in it. We saw a blacksmith and he boiled water in a paper bag! After the horse and buggy ride we went to a huge Spanish fort. It had many big rooms but they all had arched ceilings. We went into the dungeons and on the top of the whole fort. After that we went to the Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum. It was really interesting. We ate lunch at the motel. After lunch Mom washed her hair, and Dad, Jeff, and I went swimming. After that we went to the ocean and went swimming. We tasted the water. ECCH! The waves were strong and they went over Jeff and my head. A big wave got me in the mouth and knocked me down. Dad and I went down the beach to collect shells. Jeff came running after us and tripped on a rock and cut his knee. When we came back we were full of salt and sand and took showers. After that we went to a restaurant called the Santa Maria. It was out in the water and you had to walk out on a dock to get to it. The whole place looked like a boat because of all the ship things in it. You could throw food out of a window while you eat and feed the fish. While we ate we watched a drawbridge go up and we watched the lighthouse. We came home late and went to bed exhausted.