Sayman Vegetable Wonder Soap – Guest Size

“Aunt Dan’s Powder Room”

The tiny, hotel-size bar has ridged edges and raised letters on each side—its name on one, and “Sayman Products” (along with something small and worn away, probably “St. Louis”). A lot of detail! The little wrapper is even more detailed, covered with light blue soap bubbles. “Sayman Soap” is in that German-looking “Fraktur” font, in blue, and “vegetable wonder” in gay, orange cursive. There’s also an orange rectangle that says, “Guest Size.” On back, there’s a tiny portrait of a guy (I’m guessing Sayman) and a mysterious plant (I’m guessing it’s witch hazel). Also, brief instructions (“twice a day” and “for oily skin”) and the message: “If your dealer can’t supply you, send 50 cents for 3 large cakes.” Good deal—that’s back when you could tape two quarters to a postcard, and it would get there! I wonder just how large those “cakes” were? The fragrance really takes me back. It’s similar to Cashmere Bouquet but not as floral—a little more subtle and natural. But it sure does remind me of childhood, maybe visiting one of my many relatives, the older aunts and uncles, their bathrooms, and the smells unique to their products. That smell remembrance never leaves the memory! Oh, and a final, interesting, crucial detail—this soap floats!

Soap Review No. 190