Alquimia Holistica – Greens

“Basil Tea”

Does someone make basil tea? I’ll look that up. (Of course.) I spent way too long trying to find the exact name of the beautiful shade of green of this soap—the problem being, color databases are often incomplete, weird, full of ads, plus, most green shades color names are the name of some other plant (honeydew, etc.). So, that won’t work—the closest I found is the subtle shade of green tea in a glass. Which is appropriate, here. The “Greens” subtitle is: “Avocado – Basil – Matcha”—which, along with cat whiskers and coffee, are my favorite things. The fragrance is mostly basil, which happens to be my absolute favorite thing in nature. My favorite dish is pho—much of that has to do with the fragrance—the fresh basil infused into the soup at the time of eating it, and the way it mixes with the subtle flavor of the broth. My favorite all-time shampoo was this very expensive basil scented one (forgot the brand; can’t afford it)—just lovely. My favorite actor playing Sherlock Holmes is Basil Rathbone, and my favorite rabbit hole is the pronunciation of “Basil” (long or short A?) rabbit hole. My favorite scene in the movie, Clockwork Orange, is when Alex comes back home and his parents have rented out his room to some asshole and gotten rid of his pet snake, Basil. When he says, “Where’s Basil? Where’s my snake?”—that’s the one time you feel empathy for him in the entire movie. My favorite soap of 2023 is this one—Alquimia Greens—which is local, out of Milwaukee—and wins the Soap Exotica favorite soap of the year award! Rats Congee!

Soap Review No. 182