Institut Karité Paris – Lavender Perfume Shea Soap

“Dr. Lavande”

Guess where this soap comes from? It’s not Paris, Texas. It’s a little, perfectly square (not cube), white bar that comes in a compact paper package with a purple (for lavender) label. It looks more like a container for… something… than soap. Let’s see. Art supplies? Little glossy black and white photos of scantily dressed women? Snuff? They have an uninspiring website with too many things jumping around (like most websites) so it’s like you’re playing French Whac-A-Mole. There are more ingredients than a Hostess CupCake, and some I’m not sure I want near my skin—but maybe I’m wrong—at least the shea butter is a good one. The fragrance is the thing here, I feel like, the signature of this soap, and it’s some serious lavender perfumery. Some might find it a tad intense—but I kind of like it. At least you don’t forget that it’s there.

Soap Review No. 179