Asepxia – Moisturizing

Asepxia AF”

It's good for you to have things in your life that you don't know how to pronounce. And sometimes, they don't even cost an arm and a leg. I'll say this again. An exotic life, via personal hygiene products, is not beyond the realm of possibility. You can go to the grocery store to buy soap, and there are maybe a dozen to pick from, if you're lucky—you know, the usual ones—Ivory, Dove, Dial, etc. You might buy a 12-pack, or 48-pack of one of those, dirt cheap, keep in in your closet and not have to think about buying soap for the next six months. But your life could be so much better. Even if you're the ultimate cheapie, there's always the “dollar store,” which is where I bought this soap. I don't remember if it was the dollar store where everything is a dollar, or the dollar store where things are all different prices, but still alarmingly inexpensive—but this soap cost so little, it may have well been free. The box must have cost more to manufacture than the soap—it's got an oval window cut in it, and multiple colors, including a very silvery silver stripe, with the Genomma Lab logo—which looks like an organization James Bond would be up against. The scent of this one is plenty strong, but not particularly pleasant. The word “medicinal” comes to mind—kind of nasty, like an industrial cleaner. I mean, it's not that bad—it smells clean—but it evokes a disinfectant—it smells like something you'd clean a floor with. I guess I'd go so far as to say: Asepxia.

Soap Review No. 98