Plantlife – Pumpkin Spice
/“Tasty Trouble”
This a fine, natural, “aromatherapy” soap from the company, Plantlife—based in California, I guess. It has been a pleasure use in the bath. I made a point of starting it in October, and using it up through Thanksgiving—pumpkin season. It both looks and smells exactly like pumpkin pie—so much so, that I had a little mishap. I was enjoying some Thanksgiving leftovers in the bath; turkey sandwich, cranberry sauce, a Brandy Alexander cocktail, and a slice of pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, I had no whipped cream, so my pie and this soap were virtually indistinguishable—and I accidentally bathed with the pie!
There is nothing about that story that is true, including the menu. The soap does resemble pumpkin pie, or perhaps a pumpkin “dessert bar.” And the smell—they got it exactly. When I was a little kid, had my mom used this soap to wash out my mouth for swearing (you were allowed to do that, as a parent, back then), it wouldn't have worked. I'd have just eaten it! As it turned out, a mouthful of Ivory or Kirk's didn't do much to dissuade me from the foul language—I used to swear like a sailor! Had I pursued a nautical career, rather than opting for olfactory analyst, I would have had the cussing part down, at least. But I'm not complaining. I'm clean, my bathroom smells like candle shop, and once in awhile I get to spin a yarn.
Soap Review No. 114