La Croix – Razz-Cranberry

Another really underwhelming effort at flavor razzle-dazzle pseudo cocktail jazz. The big problem here is that it tastes perfumy—and it occurs to me—that’s where these flavored sparkling waters can go wrong. Perfumy. As I’ve said before, I’m always suspicions when two flavors are blended, and this is no exception. I don’t even taste any cranberry in here, for one thing. Also, it’s annoying how La Croix uses the “razzberry” spelling twice (or maybe more, by now)—for what is the very coolest fruit there is—because of the coolest spelling: raspberry. I don’t care if “razzberry” is an accepted spelling or not—I don’t accept it. If the internet does, that only confirms that the internet is moronic. Just because enough morons do something, accept something, or want something, doesn’t make it any less moronic. Maybe more moronic. And besides the spelling problem, and the perfume-ness, I’m also tired of all the flavor combinations that don’t do much for me—especially when there are so many flavors they haven’t even explored yet. Such as: kumquat, cucumber, and mulberry—just for starters. I could go on. And I probably will—I mean, with the flavor suggestions. That gives me an idea for a list!
