Sweet Joy Brazilian Café

1208 E. Brady St., Milwaukee

This address has been a coffee shop since I first set foot in town (Brewed Awakenings, etc.) so it one of the more brutal closings during the pandemic. Nothing’s made me happier than seeing a new café open up, with its own personality and some Brazilian specialties, truffles, chocolates, other food, and even something I can eat, these delicious Pão de queijo, gluten-free cheese breads. After I enjoyed my espresso, I got to sit for a while—waiting for them to come out of the oven! There’s a new paint job, I believe, and things cleaned up in general, brighter but still warm, very homey, comfortable. Some high seats and low seats and window seats, and a hanging swing loveseat, I guess it is. I do wish there were even more places to sit, because I can imagine it being busy enough to be full—of course, in the warm weather there is always the potential for outside tables. I always liked the feel of this space, and the U-shaped layout—kind of two separate sides. And it’s more or less my neighborhood.
