
232 E. Erie St., Milwaukee

The guy (barista) said it’s free expresso February, and I said what… like free? I figured it was a joke, but who would the joke be on? The espresso is really good here. I suppose the idea is, I would order a baked good, then, why not? But, of course, I can’t eat anything (wheat, gluten, sugar), so I got an additional drink, an “elixir,” ginger and turmeric, to go along with my free espresso. Very good. I’ve always liked this physical space, since it’s been a series of coffee shops. I can’t remember what café was here in the past, or the one before that—it doesn’t matter—we’re moving into the future—I just always liked the feeling of whatever café was in here—a big, rectangular room, but it feels comfortable. Maybe it’s the big windows in front, or that’s near a school—essentially the MIAD coffee shop. No different now—maybe better. It feels more like a meeting-place café than a work-on-your-laptop café. Of course, there are people working on laptops—but that’s everywhere. On this day, though, there’s a few small groups—including some people playing chess! I’m the only asshole drinking two drinks and writing in a notebook. Oh, the other good thing is, I like all the music that’s playing—all some kind of jazz, none of which I can identify, but it’s music I’d play at home—and it’s not too loud. Good atmosphere here. If you’re meeting someone in the neighborhood, highly recommended.
