Fiddleheads Coffee – BMO Tower

790 N. Water St., Milwaukee

I believe this is the only Fiddleheads Coffee in downtown Milwaukee—in the lobby of the new BMO skyscraper—though, it’s actually in what looks like a connecting building between the new BMO Tower and what I think is the old BMO building—which now looks a lot like a haunted skyscraper. Also, I don’t know what “BMO” stands for—but something, and someone knows. Also, what is a Fiddlehead? I finally looked that up—I had my guesses—totally wrong! It’s a kind of fern! Who would have guessed? I thought it had something to do with Harley-Davidsons (the motorcycles)—like some kind of engine—or else, the term for a guy who endlessly tinkers on something—like a Harley-Davidson engine. There is a lot of seating in this place, though it’s only open until 2pm—which is consistent with the Milwaukee Office Coffee Drought Syndrome (MOCDS)—you wonder how any work gets done between 3 and 5pm. Sure it feels like the lobby of an office building, but the variety of cubbyholes to hide out in, and vistas to eavesdrop from, make it pretty okay. In the heart of the coffee area there’s a big lighted sign that says: “Coffee, Eats, Goodtimes.” Good Times. For some reason, this made me think about Geneviève Bujold, in one of those Alan Rudolph movies (either Choose Me or Trouble in Mind), where she says, “Good times.” As only she can say it. If I’m here (Fiddleheads) and I’m thinking about her… good times.
