The Creative Act: A Way of Being

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin (2023) I have always liked Rick Rubin for some reason—I mean, beyond his professional accomplishments—the public figure, the personality, the oddball eccentric—whether that’s genuine or manufactured. I think he’s funny—and, for me, he has a quality that’s hard for me to describe succinctly—so I’m not getting into that—but I’ll just say I’m glad he’s out there. If someone had asked me if I’d be interested in a book by him—about creativity—I’d have said I didn’t think it would be likely there would be such a book—but I’d sure be interested in reading one if there was. So, I did like this book a lot. It’s not just about music, and it’s not just about writing—but it pertains a lot to both music and writing—two of my biggest interests. But also, to all art and creative endeavors. Some parts are more specific and some parts more general—I’m glad I wasn’t called on to organize the thing. I liked some parts way, way more than others, but that’s to be expected. It’s got a table of contents, so you could focus on areas that might interest you more, but I think it’s a good book to just go through front to back—take in what you can—maybe keep it by your bed or by the toilet. Maybe read it slowly and then start again. Depending on where you are in your life, different parts will be more resonant. I personally believe that if all people engaged more in creative acts, it would be a benefit for all people. It’s a matter of degree, I guess—so I mean, to a greater extent, with more focus on the importance of creativity, with more acceptance and patience. I know some people don’t believe that. But I think everyone has curiosity, and everyone has dreams, and everyone has flaws and idiosyncrasies—which is a good place for creativity to start. Maybe someday we’ll get out of these dark ages.
