A Man Named Doll

A Man Named Doll by Jonathan Ames (2021) I liked You Were Never Really Here (2013) so much, I was looking forward to another Ames book and was excited to see two—this one and a sequel, The Wheel of Doll (2022)—hinting at a possible series (I’m a sucker for series as much as the next guy). Plus, it’s relatively short, and I know (from an interview) his interest in writing a “page turner.” The book lived up to everything I hoped for. It’s about a less-than-glamorous LA PI (who loves his dog) who gets caught up in some real trouble. He’s experienced, wise, even smart, but he keeps making one hilariously inadvisable choice after another—I mean, relative to the practical world—fortunately, his blunders make a really good story. The action really moves along and is consistently fascinating. I also really like the specific Los Angeles locations—which you’re welcome to look up on internet maps (and “street views”) and put yourself right there—if you so desire. I really did like this guy, too, with the funny name (Happy Doll), as well as his lady friend, and his dog. I cared enough to get stressed out—but the enjoyable version of stressed out. Also, I hope I mentioned, I get Jonathan Ames’ sense of humor, and the book is really funny.
