While the Clock Ticked

While the Clock Ticked by Franklin W. Dixon (1932) I was going to quit reading Hardy Boy books after What Happened at Midnight (the book in the series before this one), because that one has got to be my favorite of them all—so it would be all downhill from here. Also, I had the memory that this one, despite the great title, wasn’t very good. But I’ve been enjoying seeing all the posts on some Hardy Boy groups on Facebook, so that inspired me to re-read more of the books (and actually read for the first time some of the original texts). Also, I thought it might be fun to do a ranking of the first 40 books (I stopped collecting them at number 40). Well, as it turns out, this one is really pretty good. The brothers try to help a guy who has a mystery at his mansion—threatening notes are finding their way into his impenetrable, vault-like, secret room. I love stories about secret rooms almost as much as I love secret rooms! I’m writing this on Christmas Eve, because one of my favorite memories of Christmas (Eve) was when I was maybe 10 years old, and I got a Hardy Boy book for Christmas (maybe it was even Cabin Island), and after opening all the presents, I focused on that one, lay down next to the fireplace, and started reading it right then. I got through the first chapter, then fell asleep.
