Ask Me If I Care That It’s Valentine’s Day

I finally remembered another of my rules for life, which is: always buy backless slippers. Why? Because you’ll turn your slippers with backs into backless ones by stepping into (and on) them, eventually. And I find nothing so depressing. If they took a survey, I bet they’d find 9 times out of 10, when you find a dude hanging by his belt in a cheap hotel closet, nearby will be some slippers with the backs pushed down.

Finally, some snow up here in Northampton—barely cold enough, though, and it’s a slushy wonderworld—but at least there was snow. I mean, it’s cold now. I’m ready to get out of here, though. King Nord. Maybe it was a mistake asking my editor (and benefactor) R. Speen for the use of a “vintage” automobile in which to get from town to destination next—since he (or his crew) decided a 1996 Plymouth Breeze was vintage. Well, it is old, has lots of problems, and needs some serious work. Or did… I think they’re about done. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying Northampton, sure enough—especially with this snow.

The good thing is… I discovered the Bluebonnet Diner! Been by it—don’t know how I missed it—well, from the wrong angle it looks like a chicken emporium or a union hall. The diner is kind of hidden right out in the open—but easy to miss. But once inside, it’s one of the best old-time diners I’ve been in! Long counter with old stools, old wooden booths, curved ceiling, not too cutesyfied, it’s just a splendid, functional diner. It’s only about a mile from the hotel, as the crow flies—unfortunately, I’m not a crow, and this side of town isn’t that pedestrian friendly. Next stop—I hope—I stay at a place you can walk from. Or, wait, I’ll have my car back, right?

Anyway, besides the usual diner fare, I also indulged in my favorite vice—blue cocktails. I was baffled by the preponderance of blue cocktails, until I remembered: Bluebonnet—get it? Blue Lagoon, Blue Martini (I don’t approve, but it’s better than the Snickerdoodle Martini—horrors!) and the famous Blue Dream Cocktail. Later, while driving the big white bus, I had a few blue laughs.

--Kenneth Oates 2.14.24