Tuesday, October 18, 1977

Tuesdays are not good days. They are as bad as Mondays in the way that they affect you. But they don't give you the excuse for being under the influence of them as Mondays do. This in not good because when someone asks what the matter is and you tell them it is Monday they think you are insane. If you tell them it is Tuesday they are not very sympathetic at all. So it is a bad deal all around on Tuesdays.

Monday, October 17, 1977

I want to be a punk rock musician. Here are my plans. I will acquire a cheap solid body electric guitar from Sears. This is so I can smash and mangle it without losing much money. I will buy big gigantic amps and speakers and stuff that blows your goddamn eardrums out. I will also get a few of the craziest fuckers I can find to be in the band with me. At one of our performances I will wear a big Army jacket with the sleeves cut off and no shirt under it. I will wear gym shorts (Union Jack) and long scurvy underwear with holes in the knees. I will just bang on the guitar and yell into the microphone about how I hate every goddamn thing in the world. If any asshole jumps on the stage, I will kick his bloody teeth in and break his neck. I will get rich.

Sunday, October 16, 1977

Three day weekends are great. A three day weekend makes a four day week. This is also great. On a regular weekend there is always some work to do of some kind. This is sorry because that is what we just did all week. This makes a one day weekend and a six day week. Therefore, on a three day weekend, we have actually a two day weekend, so this is really not great but good. A four day weekend is great.

Saturday, October 15, 1977

Budweiser is good beer, but it is overpriced. This famous domestic brew is rather strong in flavor and may not be enjoyed at first but soon can be acquired a taste for. The flavor is good though, but it is rather light (being Lager) as most American beers are. Many people like to buy the beer for the famous Budweiser name and the label. This is the reason for its main downfall: the price. At near $2.00 a six pack, this is definitely an overpriced beer to say the least as you are paying for the famous name and neat label and all their bloody advertising!



Friday, October 14, 1977

The debut album of a German group called Lake is an album that I have been waiting for, but from a group such as a Utopiac group such as the “British-American Rock Superstars.” Every thing about it is good: Songwriting (maybe most important), good guitar, a variety of excellent keyboards, and excellent singing. There is considerable variety and any long instrumental parts are not only interesting, but exciting (though there are few). This is the kind of album you want to listen to every night and do nothing else while listening to it. The only thing this group lacks is an identity, and this will not be for long. Too bad they're a bunch of God damn krauts.

Thursday, October 13, 1977

Sleep is a bitch. We spend about one third of our life sleeping and this seems to be a great waste. When you are sleeping, the time passes without any realization of it at all. Sleep interrupts work, studies, and fun. And all for what? So you can get up in the morning and be tired and sluggish. I somehow wish we could attain the needed rest in a shorter period of time such as an hour; think how much more time we would have to do things and read books.

Wednesday, October 12, 1977

I recently taste tested Octoberfest Beer by Schmidt's and was very pleased. For average beer prices the beer drinker can purchase this delightful dark and rich beer. The flavor is deep and rich and over-all very mellow. And dark beer is not commonly found, especially for low price. Though this commercially produced brew cannot be close to naturally processed beer, it comes about as close to “Toboso Dark Beer” as any I have tasted. So pick up a six or twelve pack, or even a case of Schmidt's Octoberfest Beer for a change, and you may want to make it your regular beer.

Tuesday, October 11, 1977

I think eating is a bunch of garbage and a waste of time and money. We spend precious time every single day shoving food in our mouths, and the money you spend on food... aaaahhhh. I can't even begin to figure that out. Most people eat too much anyway and that is why there are so many fat slobs. I heard that 30% of our country is overweight, and by what I see, I would call that a low estimate. If we all ate less there would be more blood to go to our stupid brains so we could think of some way to solve the overpopulation problem when there are less people dying from heart problems (from eating less, too).

Monday, October 10, 1977

I was shocked by many of the questions on the ACT application form. There is no reason to ask many of these. Asking your name and age and social security number and address can be expected for obvious reasons. But then I got to “what percentage of your class are the same race as you” and I was appalled. Even worse were such asinine questions asking what grades I expected to get in college. But even more ridiculous was the personal questions such as how many times I take a leak a day and what color my shit is.

Sunday, October 9, 1977

I think it is terrible that so many people these days in America are “videots.” This means that people depend on TV and watch entirely too much, thinking that TV is reality. This makes people want to not get involved enough and just sit and watch. It also makes people lazy, and there is no physical fitness achieved through watching TV. It also gives people a distorted view of life. People tend to be paranoid about things like crimes because they are flooded with crime shows, of which few are near realistic.

Friday, October 7, 1977

I am glad Ralph Perk is out of the running for mayor of Cleveland this year. The people finally used their intelligence to realize that Perk is nothing but a politician. His attack on pornography was totally ridiculous. He should have been working on other problems such a crime or poverty in Cleveland. Instead he was trying to ban the “dirty” books at the airports. If the people of Cleveland would have elected him again, I would have lost my hope for the poor [last word is illegible].

Thursday, October 6, 1977

I think I will get rich by kidnapping myself. First I will mysteriously disappear and send a ransom note to my folks. I will include a good description of myself and an old shoe or something to insure identification. I will also call them on the phone and act like the kidnapper and then put myself on and start crying. I will warn them not to contact the police and demand one million dollars. I will have my little brother deliver the money to a carefully picked spot and will be there myself to collect. I will hide the money and walk home with him. My parents will have obtained the money on loan and hopefully the insurance company covers ransoms, so they will get it all back. I will then keep the ransom and be rich. My folks may be mad when I tell them, but a couple of grand will make them forgive me.

Wednesday, October 5, 1977

Shooting bottle rockets has developed into a fine art. The launching of the small missiles from a moving vehicle is the most specialized and enjoyable form of the activity. Some unprepared fellows try to light the projectiles with ordinary matches, but it is much easier to use a disposable lighter such as a Cricket or similar brand. The procedure is quite easy. The rocket's fuse is lit and the rocket pointed out an open window towards the target. The rocket may either be held by hand or put in a beer can or bottle, which is more accurate and safer. The hard part of bottle rocket launching is obtaining the desired target. Many hours of practice is required to be able to get good enough to put one in another car window.

Tuesday, October 4, 1977

Last night the little creatures that have been lurking about the house returned to try to kill me. After the first incident I decided to get prepared. I borrowed my friend Jim's .22 caliber automatic pistol and put it under my pillow. At three o'clock I still hadn't gone to sleep because of the hard lump under my pillow, and it was a good thing. Two of the little fiends appeared in my doorway holding what appeared to be long sticks with a couple lengths of rope running from end to end. As soon as I saw them I started firing wildly and tore up the wall and doorway but finally hit one in the leg and they both ran off squeaking. In the morning I checked the carpet where they were to check for blood, and I found a trail of light tan stains leading out of the back door.

Monday, October 3, 1977

Abstract traveling in my car, which is traveling near or past the speed of light via the anti-matter warp drive engines, is very complex. The car must be traveling forward at any speed and the warp drive engines are switched on and controlled through the under dash computer. There is almost an unnoticeable flash of light outside of the car and then everything seems normal again. You are traveling along at the same speed as the conventional engine controls but what is around you is different. At a speed near the speed of light everything else slows down so much they appear to be frozen. You can drive the car right through people, cars, or buildings. It is impossible to stop the car, however, or you will jump to normal speed. As you pass the speed of light it seems the same, but now everything movies backwards—though you are actually traveling back in time. Traveling faster than twice the speed of light has never been tried, and is considered very dangerous.

Sunday, October 2, 1977

My car, a 1966 V.W. Squareback, is more than it looks. It has a conventional, hard working 4 cylinder engine, aided by a double turbo charger, and a computer controlled 4 speed gearbox, which makes it very fast by conventional standards. For abstract traveling, the car has an anti-matter warp drive engine. This will take the car instantly to near or past the speed of light. The AM radio is actually the flight computer to control these processes. There is a large arsenal in the car that is seldom used but always ready. This consists of the ordinary twin laser guns, the powerful photon torpedoes, and 4 remote controlled explosive anti-matter pods, located in the hubcaps. There are also nuclear weapons: a pair of neutron bombs and an alpha-omega ultra powerful doomsday bomb.

Saturday, October 1, 1977

Recently, there have been strange beings trying to attack my house. What they are after I don't know. I think it may be my automobile, a 1966 Volkswagen. They also may be after my priceless artwork or beautiful poems. These creatures come only in the night. I have never seen them clearly, because of darkness. They are only about four feet tall and wear coats with hoods that cover their faces. They never make a sound, and always walk quietly and stay in the shadows. Only once have they been in the house. On a very quiet night, I was having nightmare and woke up. I saw shadows moving outside my bedroom doorway. I quietly grabbed my Wrist Rocket slingshot from my bed-stand and a lead sinker. Then I peeked out from under my covers to see a pale boney hand clutching a long, twisting, silver dagger come slowly around the corner. I waited until the creature was upon me and I let the sinker fly full force. The creature squealed and was down the hallway and gone.

Friday, September 30, 1977

Billy Carter is my hero. He is now promoting a beer named after him, called Billy Beer. I think this will be the only beer I will drink. I admire Billy because he makes money and takes advantage of it. He doesn't care what people think, and he just does what he wants to. He is probably very honest and is just a good old redneck. I think I will send for an autographed picture of him to hang above my cooler.

Thursday, September 29, 1977

I hate it when monkeys get in our trash cans. This gets me very upset. They jump around and make a big mess, spilling garbage all over the driveway. Many mornings I am awakened at 3 or four o'clock to the sound of “oooh, ooooh, ooh, ooooh, ooooh.” I think the only solution to the problem would be to lay out and wait for the monkeys to come in the morning. Then aim my .458 magnum rifle at them and squeeze the trigger. If mom would only give me my bullets back this would work. Or maybe I could buy some monkey traps at Hills.