Lagunitas Brewing Co – Hoppy Refresher with Berry + Lemon

I have to say, this is really, really good, without really thrilling me. It’s as refreshing as the name sounds. I could drink this on a hot day, as my refreshment of choice. Or at an event, when I want “refreshing” to rub off, and make ME refreshing, as I present myself to, you know, whoever. One of the things that doesn’t thrill me is that the hops is too subtle. I might not even be able to tell there is hops there if I didn’t know. Well, probably I could. When you burp, it’s a hops burp, so that’s nice. And so, what this mostly tastes like is the “berry” flavor—which is good—and tastes like berry—but I don’t really notice the lemon. Maybe you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the lemon—it’s a flavor that enhances other flavors, I guess. But I’d like a little more lemon. And the final thing is, what berry? It kind of drives me crazy when something is “berry” flavor, without being more specific (it’s a mere step up from “mixed fruit”). I mean, it could be Berry Gibbs, or Berry White, or Berry Manilow, or Berry Stephens, or Berry Poltermann, or Berry Nelson, or Berry Goldwater, or Chuck Berry, or Dave Berry, or Lynda Berry. See my problem?
