La Croix – Tangerine

Pretty much anyone blindfolded would guess this one as tangerine—they really nailed the flavor of the actual fruit—and I suppose part of that is the heady smell of the rind, the oils that spray up when you peel it. The water is so tangerine, in fact, it’s almost boing—and makes you long for one of those you’re on the fence about. Or maybe that’s just me—maybe you appreciate something that’s done well. This is a really good one. Really tasty—and I’d definitely grab it at an event—when I desire both stimulation and comfort. On a sad note, it reminded me that I somehow failed to buy a little box of clementines last winter/holiday season—were they not in the store? Now it’s 4th of July already. Why is it oranges at Christmas and hot dogs on 4th of July? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Does anyone have a clementine water? How about kumquat water? I’m a bit curious, now, how this one compares to La Croix’s “Orange” flavored water—but I’m not going to get into that taste-test mania—I mean, pitting one against another. I’ll get to that one eventually. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the tangerine—the name came from Tangier (Morocco)—just read that—seems obvious now that I know it. And from tangerine, no doubt, came Tang.
