Hoplark Sparkling HopTea – the Green Tea One

This has a more subtle hop flavor than the other Hoplarks I’ve tried, but it’s still there, and very delicious. Though… at first, I thought it tasted a little like pee. But I think I was just reacting to the look of it in the glass—plus, I have no idea what pee tastes like. This is probably the lightest of the Hoplark waters—green tea being like the subtlest thing on Earth (unless, of course, you use scalding water, and expose (too much) tea to the water for a year—and then it’s one of the bitterest things on Earth). Okay. And it uses Mosaic Hops—whatever that means. I guess I can look it up. I’m guessing they are NOT the “Porter House Steak of hops.” One would imagine their flavor as… multifaceted. And it doesn’t taste like pee. And let me reiterate: I have no idea what pee tastes like.
