Polar – Ruby Red Grapefruit

It’s not going to be red, is it? Good god, that would be weird. Does red grapefruit have a different flavor than regular grapefruit? Look it up. I guess it does (well, all grapefruit is different from all other grapefruit, so, of course). I guess red grapefruit (that is, red on the inside) is somewhat sweeter, but this water isn’t sweet—I’m not sure where that leaves us. I guess I used to think pink and red grapefruit juice was colored with red food coloring, but it’s the kind of grapefruit. Though I suppose you have to look at individual brands to see if any add color. No added color here, of course—but what if there was—wouldn’t that be weird? What if it was exactly as red as rubies? Which is almost blood-red. No, I wouldn’t go for that. The pink can is nice. I’m sure Polar struggled a bit to make this one stand out—it’s hard to compete with La Croix using that fancy French name for theirs. Calling it “Ruby Red”—rather than just “Grapefruit”—certainly inspires the imagination some. And it tastes good, of course.
