La Croix – Hi-Biscus!

This is an attractive metallic pink can with yellow (hibiscus) flower designs—and the name is stylized, spelling hibiscus as: “Hi” (as in hello), and “biscus” (which means nothing, but sounds like “viscus,” which seems gross in a sparkling water context)—and then a well-deserved exclamation point. The flavor is hibiscus, of course, which I’m most familiar with via the “Red Zinger” tea, which used to be everywhere, popular because it’s red, tart, and healthy. It just occurred to me I haven’t seen it lately—it’s not off the market, is it? Maybe it’s something I’ve just neglected to buy in a while—that happens. I’ll look for it next time at the store. The other version I’ve consumed—eaten—was a candied hibiscus flower—I got a small bag of them somewhere—pretty exotic. At first, I thought they were exciting and good, but as time went on it seemed like the bag grew more full rather than empty, until I finally realized the things repulsed me, and I did something I almost never do—threw them away before being finished. Maybe that sad memory is what this water reminds me of, now—though for some reason I feel like it reminds me of some other flavored water that I don’t like—but I can’t nail it down. Either way, I don’t particularly care for it.
