June 29, 1982 – Early

Yes. My new philosophy. It’s based on the misconception I’ve (and many people, I’m sure) always had about my personal future. I have some feeling like, after I get to a certain point, pay certain dues, or make some particular breakthrough, my whole life will be changed. I’ll suddenly be making a living doing something I like and be happy forever.

Well, this is dumb, because it won’t happen like that. It’s like you go to college and graduate and expect good jobs to be thrown at you. It helps a lot, but you still have to find the jobs and you might not find one you can stay in, ever, even.

So, I’ve decided the future is here. I am living the life I want to right now. There are good things and bad things and I just gradually work to make it better. You’re never totally happy, you just have to do the best you can. I may never find anything that I stay with real long. What’s important is I am overall happy, which I am now. (Not content, but happy.)