La Croix – Key Lime

There’s a Lime La Croix and a Key Lime La Croix, but that doesn’t mean one tastes like regular lime and the other like key lime. They both taste somewhat limey, however, and they’re both good. Their approach to Key Lime, though, isn’t purely a citrus one, it’s a water that’s meant to taste like key lime pie—and if that sounds gross to you, wait a minute! There is a lot of argument over how to make the best key lime pie, and if you want to get into that, watch out, there are rabbit holes around every corner. But you can have fun if you don’t take it too seriously. I personally eat no pie at all, but if I did, I certainly would enjoy all variations of key lime pie. The La Croix website describes this water as: “starting with creamy notes of toasted meringue” and “combines the tart, crisp KeyLime essence with a rich graham cracker finish.” Obviously, that is 100 percent pie. Despite the bullshit wine talk, that actually nails down this water fairly accurately. Personally, I suspect that they achieve this in a similar way to their Limoncello water—first the citrus flavor, then throw in some vanilla. There may be more to it than that, but either way, it works. This flavor is both breezy and robust, meaty, yet refreshing—which is exactly what you want in a flavored sparkling water.
