Canary Coffee Bar

720 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., Milwaukee

Definitely a hangout—and it helps that they’re always open (not literally, like George Webb, a block away—though that would be awesome). Hours are like 7am to 9pm, every day, I believe, so it seems like they’re always open. Regulars are evident. Excellent espresso and welcome sparkling water come in matching bourbon glasses—I call them that because I used to have one of these 3 or 4 ounce, little, clear glasses—and I’d only drink bourbon from it. Not tequila, not scotch, and sure as hell not coffee—but maybe it’s fitting—since the place is called Canary Coffee Bar. I really like the Canary part because I can remember it much better than those fancy-pants modern café names I can’t remember. Animals—that’s the way to go. Not to pick on this place, because it’s great—and been here a-while—but I was sitting there missing the old-school, college-town-feeling, quirky, hippie-style coffee shops. You know, places that look more like they’re decorated by a creative hippie-mom than a top-dollar, pro design team—and then look like every other cookie cutter café. Please, someone do something weird!
