Double Trouble for Rupert

Double Trouble for Rupert by Ethelyn M. Parkinson (1958) This is an early collection of stories by my favorite kid's book author, Ethelyn M. Parkinson—apparently stories she published in the 1950s, 11 of them, collected in this paperback, published by Scholastic Books Services. I'm sure I got my first copy when we had those book buying days in grade school, where we'd get a catalog and select the books that looked interesting, order them, and then get money from parents to pay for them. It was exciting and one of the early things that made me love reading. Pretty much every story here has to do with some type of childhood anxiety that's resolved by the end of the story. Rupert Piper is a regular sixth grade kid, curious, mischievous, figuring things out. He's got some like-minded chums, and is at odds with his teachers and the girls in his class. For the most part, not as interesting and weird as later Rupert Piper volumes (more stories, and some short novels), but this book is pretty easy to find, plus it has really good illustrations by Mary Stevens, including a pretty classic cover of Rupert relaxing, eating a huge sandwich.